Have your say - "what?"
Let us mass debate, rant and talk togeather. Have your say, what is your opinion? Let us talk about it.
No more questions untill the questionner is safe again

For some reason will evict its tenants if they speak out against substandard workmanship. Even going so far as to protect the builders that have assulted atenants and threatened in all seriousness to murder the children of siad tenants.

This is the UK this is reality.

You can help by talking about it here, commenting HERE, or by linking to any blogpost talking about this abuse and tagging it Thanet+Council.

Lets fight some injustice fellas.

How sexy is your name?

I found this wee MEME and gave it a go: *[[ WhErE To fInD mY VeRy OwN fAiRyLaNd...]]*: "ChEcK OuT If uR NaMe iS SeXY ???!!! A=5 B=2 C=6 D=1 E=9 F=12 G=3 H=10 I=8 J=11 K=5 L=9 M=6 N=10 O=3 P=2 Q=12 R=9 S=24 T=8 U=11 V=12 W=10 X=3 Y=20 Z=23 under 30 points=not too sexy from 30-40 points=pretty sexxy over 40points=VERY sexxxxy!!!" I scored 56 on just my first name. Whnat score do you get?

The fantastic site of Lord Matt

The fantastic site of Lord Matt - My New site, questions for debate can now e found here.

How do you react to problems?

Fighting Inertia: "I don't know about you, but when there is a problem with my home - - say a leak in the roof - - I go through an emotional upheaval like you wouldn't believe.
Oh shit, who do I call to fix this? How much will it cost? Will they even show up to give me an estimate? What's the chance that if I call someone out of the Yellow Pages that they'll be reliable and not some kind of a stalker? When they come to my house what if they steal something? Will I have to beg them to come to my house? What is a fair price? What if they make me wait all day at home for them to arrive when I have a dentist appointment?"

Where do you stand?

Southern Voice Online: "The president's Supreme Court nominee won't say where he stands on abortion or gay marriage, but we deserve to hear him on the bigger picture. "

Copyright laws and forcing them on others - your views please.

Copyright lobbyists strike again | Perspectives | CNET News.com: "That's why business lobbyists have been pressing to include far more precise rules in subsequent treaties. And the Bush and Clinton administrations have been happy to go along, effectively saying to poorer countries: If you want the United States to open its markets to your products, the price is adopting the most problematic sections of our copyright law. "

...that and software patents - can they do anybody any good?

What do you think?

Dont Publish My Home Address On The Web - Your View

It would seem that NOMINET has raised questions of it's on complience with the UK Data Protection Act 1998!

Dont Publish My Home Address On The Web: "I have already lodged a Complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner (formerly the Data Protection Registrar) regarding what I believe to be a Contravention of the Data Protection Act 1998, and they have supplied a case number."

How do you feel about your personal details getting published on line?

What rating is your journal?

brought to you by Quizilla

ghosts of debates past
September 26, 2004
October 17, 2004
October 24, 2004
October 31, 2004
November 07, 2004
November 14, 2004
November 21, 2004
December 26, 2004
January 02, 2005
January 09, 2005
January 16, 2005
January 30, 2005
February 06, 2005
February 13, 2005
March 06, 2005
March 13, 2005
March 27, 2005
May 08, 2005
May 15, 2005
July 24, 2005
July 31, 2005
August 07, 2005
August 14, 2005
September 18, 2005


If you love these blogs: (things we've done in the past)

You are going to love The fantastic site of Lord Matt